Saturday, 30 October 2010

Where has Most Haunted gone?

Many people who have visited this blog recently have asked me the same questions. Where has Most Haunted gone? Why has Most Haunted finished?

Well, the answers are available within this blog for anyone to see. But very briefly, here are some of the main reasons.....

1. Poor viewing figures - click here for details
2. A track record of being less than honest with the viewing public. Click here for details and here.
3. Showing footage of questionable origin. Click here for details.
4. Perhaps the number one issue and one which will eventually see every single ghost hunting program all likelihood, ghosts do not exist!

Of course, it's more complex than just these reasons alone but if you browse the articles and videos in the blog archive you'll get a good understanding of why Most Haunted is no more.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The BadPsychics 'Most Haunted Mole' article.

With the sad demise of BadPsychics, I thought it important that the following article was still available for people to read.  So here it is.....

From pretty much the very beginning of Most Haunted, the good folk here at BadPsychics have exposed the show at every turn, from cover ups like Coingate to the most famous incident of all the Kreed Kafer incident, but we could never have done this all on our own.

We had help!

But who helped us all these years? We have affectionately reffered to this person as the Most Haunted Mole, but who is the Most Haunted Mole and what was their motivation in helping us?

Was their motivation money? We we never paid them a penny, so why would they help us, unless something much more sinister was happening.

The tale of the Most Haunted Mole is a tale of ego, fame, bullying and most of all greed!

I will not go over every incident that the mole helped us with, instead I will cover the main incidents, the source of the leaked video clips, the true instigator of the Kreed Kafer set up, and of course who really threw the spoon.

From pretty much the very beginning of Most Haunted, the good folk here at BadPsychics have exposed the show at every turn, from cover ups like Coingate to the most famous incident of all the Kreed Kafer incident, but we could never have done this all on our own.

We had help!

But who helped us all these years? We have affectionately referred to this person as the Most Haunted Mole, but who is the Most Haunted Mole and what was their motivation in helping us?

Was their motivation money? We we never paid them a penny, so why would they help us, unless something much more sinister was happening.

The tale of the Most Haunted Mole is a tale of ego, fame, bullying and most of all Greed!

I will not go over every incident that the mole helped us with, instead I will cover the main incidents, the source of the leaked video clips, the true instigator of the Kreed Kafer set up, and of course who really threw the spoon.

The story starts over 2000 years ago, in a small village in Ethiopia, a wise man would frequently visit, he would tell of times of change. One day the village was a destroyed and this wise man took care of the lone survivor, a small boy.

We now move forward 2000 years, and that small boy from all those years ago has been reborn into this world, his name Derek Johnson, later to be known as Derek Acorah.

But is Derek Acorah the mole? No, Derek is not the mole, although he knows the man who is very well.

You see the Most Haunted mole is a 2000 year old Ethiopian spirit called Masumai, or Sam for short.

Sam approached me many years ago in a dream, he told me of a time of change, he told me that this world needed someone, someone to speak the 'truth' and that man was to be me.

And this is where we get to Most Haunted. We had already written about the show on the site many times, done reviews and so forth, but something was missing. Then one day I received through the post a jiffy bag containing an old style VHS tape.

Written on the tape was simple "Most Haunted - Sam" I knew instantly that this tape was from my Sam, from Masumai.

I quickly put the tape into my DVD player, but then realised that this was 2005 and not 1995, so I quickly ran to the electric store and picked up an Alba VCR for £20!

Back to my house and I played the tape. It showed quite clearly Yvette Fielding faking stuff on Most Haunted. I watched through the tape, there was 8 hours of uncut, unedited material (8 hours cause it was on long play!).

I sat in amazement as I watched Ciaran O'Keeffe measure Yvette farting with a £25,000 thermo imaging camera, then there was the infamous coingate, where by Karl Beattie admitted that they could not air Stuart getting hit in the head by a coin because it was obviously faked.

Then a shocking clip as an ancient spoon flew towards Yvette, as if from the very cameraman's hand, the cameraman being Karl Beattie.

As I sat amazed looking at the tape, suddenly in full colour Derek Acorah, Yvette and Phil Whyman were stood in an underground area. Derek Acorah started speaking to spirit. "Mary Loves Dick, Mary Loves Dick, Mary Loves Dick" indeed whoever this Mary was, she really loved Dick.

But what did this mean? What did it show? It showed that Most Haunted was pre recorded and faked. Over the years we have shown all of these clips and much more on BadPsychics.

The reality is that I didn't receive the tapes in the post, nor did I get them from Sam, they were emailed to me from a man with some Satellite equipment, who simply tuned into the live feeds that Antix were sending back to the editing rooms.

This man who was called John, was doing something that anyone with the equipment could do, you see the feeds were unencrypted. In fact when Karl Beattie was told that this is how BadPsychics were getting the footage, he just smiled. And did nothing to stop it. It is very easy to encrypt such feeds, yet they WANTED us to see.

So every piece of footage that has appeared on-line from Most Haunted, is there because Antix wanted it to be there.

Does this make Karl Beattie the mole? Lets move on.

The single biggest moment of interest and probably the downfall of Most Haunted was the Kreed Kafer incident. It marked the end of an era, and the end of Derek Acorah on Most Haunted.

When the show started, it was a vehicle very much for Yvette Fielding to relaunch her flagging career. Her young acting career was a disaster, and after finishing on Blue Peter and finding herself replaced with a younger more attractive presenter she needed to do something new.

The whole show was to revolve around Fielding, the problem is that Fielding was never the star, the first series of Most Haunted gave birth to two stars, one was a young Jason Karl, and the other was Derek Acorah. Jason Karl was an actor employed to play the part of Para Psychologist. And Derek was already a TV psychic with a decent following.

During the series Yvette soon realised that she was being eclipsed by Jason Karl and Derek Acorah. So after series 1 Jason Karl was gone. Despite being employed to play a part, he actually played that part very well, and was without doubt the most genuine "Skeptic" to ever play that part. But after he was gone, his career would never reach the same level, and to this day he still tries to make a living off the "As seen on Most Haunted" logo.

But what about Derek? Well the problem Yvette had was that Derek's popularity had soared, it had reached a level where he was basically untouchable. After series two Derek had had enough, many arguments with the crew, jealousy from Karl and Yvette of his fame. Derek wanted to move on.

But Living TV owned Most Haunted, and not Antix as many people assume, so Living TV would convince Derek to stay. As series 5 ended, Derek agreed to one final series, with the knowledge that Living TV would give him his own show (Ghost Towns) at the end. Derek hated his time on Most Haunted, but he had a contract and wanted to fulfil his obligations to the full.

As Series six was soon to start, I received some correspondence from Ciaran O'Keeffe regarding a set up that had been done on Derek Acorah, and that hopefully the final edit of episode 1 would show Derek Acorah being possessed by a fictional spirit. I was excited, I had the main skeptic on the show, the very much respected Ciaran O'Keeffe contact me personally with something I had waited for, for years, conclusive proof that Derek Acorah was a fraud.

My article written, I just had to wait for the show to air. And when it did, 30 seconds after Derek was shown to be possessed by the fictional Kreed Kafer (Which was an anagram of Derek Faker), I published my article. Conspiracy theories were thrown about by fans of Most Haunted. Some claimed it was pure coincidence, others claimed I simple lied and made it all up. Many more set-ups were revealed in the following weeks, more anagram names and so on.

But it wasn't until 6 months later that Ciaran O'Keeffe himself went to the newspaper, and the Mirror specifically, and sold his story, that at the very least I would be proven to be 100% right. Unfortunately what happened next was not quite what I or in fact Ciaran expected. The Mirror ran their interview with Ciaran, which basically just repeated what I had published 6 months earlier, but they also reported on the very videos of fakery that I mentioned earlier too.

This was great in theory, until you realised that Matt Roper (The journalist from The Mirror) had failed to make one thing clear in his article, he did not credit BadPsychics one little bit. In fact he even called the article an exclusive despite me personally publishing the same info 6 months earlier. I was happy that a major newspaper had exposed Most Haunted to the masses, but disappointed that credit hadn't been given.

Years later Matt Roper wanted to write an article exposing psychic Gordon Smith, so who do you think he came to for help? Yep, he came to the UK's most famous internet skeptic, no not BobDezon, he came to me instead. I chose not to help him, and for a good 30 minutes ranted at him for ripping off my site and not giving credit, he apologised and we ended the conversation.

Anyway back to the story. Anyone who works for Antix on Most Haunted has a standard confidentiality contract which they have to sign. This basically prohibits them from revealing things that have happened on the show and so forth, this is very standard stuff in itself. Richard Felix was once threatened with legal action due to this very contract, so that is how serious Antix takes things.

So with Ciaran going to the papers, surely this meant not only the end of his career, but also would almost guarantee a lawsuit from Antix.

But neither happened. Why? Well the truth is that Ciaran was not behind the Kreed Kafer set up, and despite picking up a nice pay check from The Mirror, Ciaran actually went to the papers and broke his confidentiality contract with the full backing of Karl Beattie.

What made things worse was that the very correspondence I had had with Ciaran before episode 1 of series 6 aired, was directed by Karl Beattie. I had in fact been the one used by Karl Beattie, and yet again I had fallen for it.

So not only did Karl know about the so called leaked video tapes, he was also instrumental in the setting up of Derek Acorah.

I then started to get a very nasty feeling in my stomach. It became obvious that I had been used, used to create a kind of anti-publicity for Most Haunted, that would only help make more people watch. You see to Karl Beattie it didn't matter if people thought the show was genuine or if they thought it was faked, as long as they were watching.

One final point about the Kreed Kafer incident, as some of you may remember, the day the newspaper came out with the revelations, just happened to be the day of a Most Haunted Live show and even more "coincidently" the last Most Haunted Live that Derek would ever do before leaving Most Haunted and going off to do is own show Ghost Towns.

Obviously this was done on purpose to cause the most impact, to totally destroy Derek Acorahs career, and also create a ratings boost, after all, people would be dying to tune in to see the reaction to the allegations in the paper.

The problem was that Karl had expected the Mirror article to purely be about exposing Derek Acorah. Whereby instead they had taken info from BadPsychics, seen the video clips I had uploaded on-line, and made the article a more general exposure of the whole of Most Haunted.

Before that nights live, Karl and Ciaran were called into the Living TV offices, where they received a dressing down from the higher ups at Living TV

As you can imagine they were furious, not only had their flagship show been exposed by the very people involved in it, their big star in Derek Acorah had had his reputation ripped to shreds in a tabloid newspaper right before his new show would air.

Karl was told in no uncertain terms that if Derek Acorah did not appear on the Live show that night that there would be no Most Haunted Live at all.

Living TV spoke to Derek, and left the decision to him. He could refuse to appear which would signal the end of the show, and most likely the end of the careers of the very people who exposed him. Or he could be loyal to his contract, grit his teeth and do the show.

In an incredibly move, Derek went ahead and did the show. He appeared on camera, stood next to Ciaran, Karl and Yvette, and Derek held his head up high, and did what he does best, pretend to talk to the dead.

After that series of MHL shows, Derek went on to do the Ghost Towns series, and my personal favourite Paranormal Egypt. Derek continues to appear on TV, has his show on Sky Real Lives, and still performs in theatres around the country. His career and name value still as strong as ever.

Most Haunted did continue, but since Derek left it was never the same, guest mediums were brought in, but none ever captured the imagination of the audience, whether that be the believers or the skeptics.

As soon as I found out I had been used by Karl Beattie, I then refused to be used any more, which is one of the reasons why we stopped covering Most Haunted on the BadPsychics site. Other than the odd viewer submitted review here and there.

I would like to touch on one final thing before I finish, a while after Derek finished from Most Haunted, he appeared on an on-line radio show called White Noise Paranormal Radio. A rather small time rag tail band of nobodies presenting a show to just tens of people. But during the interview Derek went on to reveal much much more than I have ever done.

Now unfortunately I cant repeat Derek's allegations, in fact at the time I did just that, and quickly received a very strongly worded letter from Shillings Solicitors who were working on behalf of Antix. In case you don't know Shillings are a London based, £500 per hour top law firm. You simply don't mess with them.

So I happily removed my copy of what Derek has said. All other sites who had reported on Derek's allegations were also threatened and quickly removed any mention. And of course White Noise Radio themselves were forced to remove the interview.

However the reason I was happy to remove my repetition of the allegations was that I knew them all to be true, and I knew that Shillings would have to then sue Derek, who I also happened to know could prove everything he has claimed.

So I waited, and waited, and eventually they sent the letter to Derek. They told Derek to make a public apology and pay damages to Antix or face legal action.

Derek Acorah basically replied with "See you in court" A bold move from Derek for if he were to lose the case, he would lose everything.

Shillings under instruction from Antix backed down. The court case never happened. Make of that what you will.

So here we reach the end of my little tale of merriment. The video clips came from a normal bloke with some fancy satellite equipment, we published those clips and all the clips of Most Haunted you will find on-line, whether it be of Yvette pushing a glass around on a table, kicking a door, or faking spirit noises, all are on-line with the full knowledge and acceptance of Karl Beattie.

The Kreed Kafer story was told by Ciaran (as you all already know) but was directed by Karl Beattie.

The rest well, if you keep your ear to the ground, everyone talks, yep, everyone who has ever appeared on Most Haunted has at some point literally been the mole. You see the one thing I have learnt about Most Haunted and the people who appear and have appeared on the show is that they cant help themselves. For being on that show was the highlight of their pathetic lives, it was the true peak of their careers.

And these people will talk about it over and over again.

Whether it was a 1 episode appearance, a whole series run, or from the beginning. You are all as bad as each other.

So to end, the identity of the mole is....

Karl Beattie, Yvette Fielding, Derek Acorah, Gwen Acorah, David Wells, Richard Felix, Ciaran O'Keeffe, Phil Whyman, Jason Karl, Richard Jones, Leslie Smith, Cath Howe, Stuart Torrevill, and all the rest of them.

Well either that or it really was Sam who told me everything I know!

By Jon Donnis

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Hi :-)

Hello to all my regulars and to new friends!  Thanks for visiting my blog.  Please check out the blog archive - you'll find lots of super fun videos of the Most Haunted team up to no good!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

The 'mole' uncovered.....

To catch a mole......

Jon Donni, of the website BadPsychics, has pledged to reveal the identity of the infamous Most Haunted Mole.  The announcement is expected around 08:30 on 27th June, which is in about an hours watch this space!

Friday, 25 June 2010

Yvette....a tribute

To commemorate Yvette's leaving, here are some of her best bits......

Yvette pushing a glass
Yvette making a ghostly moan
Yvette pushing a table
Yvette kicking a door

Yvette to leave Most Haunted

Yes, it's finally happened. for a looooong statement in a hard to read font.

If you can't be bothered, here's the gist of the statement.

Yvette to leave most haunted.....thats about it really. It's another nail in the MH coffin!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Most Haunted's viewing figures.

I'd always assumed Most Haunted was one of Living TV's most popular programs.  It turns out this is not the case.  In fact, of the current series, only one show has managed to squeeze into the Living TV top ten most watched programs for that week.  Yes, Most Haunted was beaten by such timeless classics as Four Weddings and Drop Dead Diva.  It seems the public finally caught on to the truth.  About time too!

Friday, 18 June 2010

At long last....

....the official forum has at last been humanely destroyed.  Now if someone would just take pity on the show and pull the plug....

The official forum limps forever onwards.

Well, it seems the official Most Haunted forum is still up n' active, despite what we've continually been told by the powers that be.  Actually, the word 'active' is somewhat misleading.  The forum is as dead as the proverbial Dodo, owing to the fact that over-zealous mods have banned anyone for having the cheek and sheer audacity to  express the "wrong" point of view. 

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Grapevine latest.....Living and Antix have parted ways

Nothing official has been said, but word on the street is that Living TV and Antix have now parted ways. I also understand Living TV still own the rights to Most Haunted. Does this signal the end of MH as we know it????

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Just watched the latest MH and......

.....I'd like to know how I get that wasted hour of my life back. I mean, is there some kind of appeal process that will refund my wasted time?? If not there damn well should be! And the show itself? Well, if you've only ever seen one single episode of MH (lucky you), you'll know what happened. Some of the faces may have changed but the on-screen action remained the same, actually as it's done for the past eight years. Yes, they've tweaked the format slightly, maybe even tinkered with the graphics a tad, but it's still just a load of people with video cameras blundering around in dark places managing to scare themselves. It's all done in an attempt to justify their own existence and grab yet another series.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Is anyone watching anymore?

Is anyone bothering to watch the dross that is 'Most Haunted' anymore? Not me, I can tell you. I occasionaly cast an eye to the forums in search of rumours of more trickery in the ranks. For me thats as far as it goes. After all, if you've seen one episode of Most Haunted, you've seen them all.

Friday, 14 May 2010

The official Most Haunted forum is really closing this time...hooray.

Hi everyone,

It is with sadness we announce the closure of our Most Haunted forum. Many of our forums have been running for several years and have proved hugely popular, resulting in close-knit communities and friendships being formed. Unfortunately, recent usage has declined, and due to this, we have made the difficult decision to close all Virgin Media forums on Tues 15th June...blah blah rhubarb chunter etc etc.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Some great thoughts on Conwaygate.

Thanks to BadPsychics for this. Here is a great audio summing up of Conwaygate

An oldie, but a goodie!

Despite happening five years ago I thought O'Keefe's celebrated exposure of Acorah probably deserves an honourable entry on the blog. All so called Spirit Mediums are conning somebody, whether it's self dillusion or intentionally hoodwinking the public, it's always a pleasure when one of their number is exposed. Follow the link for the full story.

O'Keefe ousts Acorah

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

New series begins

The new series of MH begins tomorrow on Living.  Hope to get some new footage of the team up to no good!

Monday, 12 April 2010

The Virgin forum stays open - yawn...

This forum is not being closed because its an offical most haunted forum and we have a billing contract agreement with anitx productions and living to keep it going although certain other forums will be shut.
I hope this clear things up

Friday, 9 April 2010

The official Most Haunted forum is closing down

Has the job of policing the forum become just too much for Virgin?  We here at Most Haunted - Faked? were tempted to ring the Virgin customer care line to find out, but didn't really fancy a marathon call to who knows which continent.  Anyway, here's their statement......

p.s. if you still want a place to chat about MH just drop me an email.  There's a great forum where you can find lots of old faces from the old place.

Hi everyone,
Due to decline in usage we have sadly taken the decision to close all Virgin Media forums week commencing 12th April.
We appreciate this may be disappointing news and apologise for any inconvenience. If you wish to continue conversations, debates and friendships elsewhere feel free to post links to other online communities.
Moving forward we're looking at ways to significantly improve user interaction and commenting across Virgin Media and hope to have new and better systems up and running soon.
We'd like to thank everyone for participating over the years, we appreciate your contributions and input.
If you wish to make a comment on the closure please email
Best wishes
Virgin Media Community Team

Sunday, 4 April 2010

More touching in the team

Another example of a Most Haunted team member carefully 'touching' another team member.  Gosh - they're a very loving touchy-feely lot aren't they!?

David Wells trying to con Yvette?

Here you will see David Wells lightly touching Yvette's hand during a ouija board session. Was he trying to convince Yvette she had been touched by a ghostie?  Very dodgy stuff.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - part 2

Heres the same footage but with a little zoom technology employed.
If you haven't already you should probably view the un'zoomed' video just so it's clear what you're looking at. Click me.

Knock knock knocking on heavens door?

This video was taken from the recent Live in Prague.  It's been suggested by some that the person standing at the top of the stairs to the right is making the knocking sounds. You'll need to look closely at the persons hand nearest the wall and it may help to view the video in full screen mode. I'm not sure if theres anything dodgy going on here though.  It's one of those make your own mind up times.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The blog is ONE MONTH OLD!!

Well, the first month of Most Haunted - Faked? has flown by. The first few days were great.  It received between 60 and 80 hits per day - far more than I was expecting.   Then along came 'Conwaygate' and we were up to 300 hits per day.  Then, with the Live, we had an average of 1700 hits per day!!!!   In total we had 11,482 page views.  Amazing!

So, I just want to say........


Friday, 26 March 2010

Welcome new visitors!

Just a very quick note to warmly welcome all of you who are new to this blog. Please take some time to browse through the site archive. Whether you're a Most Haunted believer or skeptic, I promise you, it will be worth your while. You'll find plenty of video that will, hopefully, give you food for thought. Most Haunted may not be all that it seems. 

Our Top 5 videos are here!

ps - also check out the Ofcom report. Click here to be enlightened

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Most Haunted - Faked? Live chat is now online!

Want to discuss Most Haunted in real time without all the bother of a forum?  This is the place for you!.....well hopefully...if it works!  Follow this link or use the menu across the top of the page.

Note - In order to participate in the witty banter of sophisticated Most Haunted pundits, you'll need a user name.  Click 'Sign Up' and follow the instructions.  The process only takes a few minutes and is totally painless!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Believer's Corner - gathering dust.

I'm still waiting for the first submissions to Believers Corner.  Somebody out there must have some proof of Most Haunted finding paranormal activity!!??

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Believer's Corner

Put away those EMF meters and motion sensors ;-) and take a peek into Believer's Corner!

You can use either this link or the menu running along the top of the blog.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

More updates to Conwaygate!

Conwaygate is being updated regularly. Please keep checking back for updates!

Also, thought I'd better add a contents section to the page, as it's getting rather long!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Richard Felix on the reasons he left MH

Thanks Duck :-)

Conwaygate gets it's own page.

"Conwaygate" has now been given a page of it's very own!  As the story continues to rumble on I think it's taking up too much room on the blog. All my previous postings re Conwaygate can be found here.


If you've not heard about's the condensed version..
  • Chris Conway resigns from Most Haunted...not believing all activity is paranormal **SHOCK HORROR etc etc**
  • Most Haunted team members respond...Chris responds..and so on..... 

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Re-cap on the Ofcom report.

When watching Most Haunted or Most Haunted Live is always a good idea to bear the Ofcom report in mind. Here are some of the main findings of the report which need to be remembered.
  • ....a programme produced for entertainment purposes. 
  • ....despite what appears to be occasional assertions....that what viewers are witnessing is real.
  • ....the audience is not necessarily in full possession of the facts.
  • not believe...these programmes could reasonably be described, in terms of the Code, as a ‘legitimate investigation’.
Click here to view the full report

Friday, 12 March 2010

Lesson learnt

Never attempt to edit blog posts whilst under the influence of magic water. Invariably you will somehow manage to delete the post and much confusion will ensue. Gahhh!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Warning - Don't feed the Mediums!

Off air footage of Richard Felix feeding Del with names. Shameful.

Richard F: What about his name, Derek. Would that help you?
Derek A: might...

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

MH capture a ghost?

Some people watching Most Haunted thought they witnessed a ghost in this footage. The White Lady of Maglite Hall maybe? ;-)
Look for the split screen section - bottom panel and about 30 seconds in. What do you think?
Send me your opinions by emailing me at

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Friday, 5 March 2010

The Most Haunted team chat about Youtube and their mole problem!

Previously unseen footage!
Video of the team moaning about video of the team appearing on YouTube is now appearing on Youtube....if you catch my drift. Sweet!

Wise words indeed from Billy

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A landmark!!!

150 hits in 2 days! Thats a record for any website of mine. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! Huge thanks to everyone who has spread word of this blog over the interweb :-)

In tradtion with this blog, I've nicked someone else's video to celebate!

Not really cheating here....but funny as Karl realises he's had a crank call.

Stuart lobbing a glass and realising he's been caught.

I'm sure the spirits compelled him to do it, so it's ok  ;-)

Check out the excellent Most Haunted section of And when you've done that check out the rest of the site. The website is fantastic!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

A better version of Yvette pushing a glass around.

Yvette : Did that move or was that me?
Team : (mumbles)erm....

For more videos like this check out

Yvette kicking the crap out of a cupboard door and pretending to be shocked at the noise.

For more videos like this check out

Cringeworthy TV on an Alan Partridge scale!

My favorite bit is when Yvette says "I heard the groan"....that would be the groans of everyone watching then? The Simpson's quote "She'll see through me like Grandma's underpants" springs to mind.

As an added bonus, heres the same footage with some appropriate background music

Responses to Yvette's interview

There's been some interesting responses to Yvette's last interview (link here for you reading pleasure) - in particular that she finds some of the forum posts horrendous, nasty, and hurtful. Follow the link to see responses to this from the VirginMedia Most Haunted forum. 

Monday, 1 March 2010

Ofcom report - you really should read this....

Back in 2005, Ofcom published the following report - it's interesting reading when you consider it gave Most Haunted free reign to get away with anything they like.



Not in Breach

Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live
LIVINGtv, Various Dates, 2005

Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live is an established series which takes a team of people into locations where, in the past, according to the programme, there have been allegations of haunting. The series is presented by Yvette Fielding (the production company’s co-owner) and a ‘celebrity’ psychic Derek Acorah. The production involves trying to film, or otherwise record, any paranormal activity. On occasions, the programme is presented as a live broadcast.
Before 25 July 2005 (when ex- ITC Programme Code was in force) 11 viewers complained about various aspects of the programme, suggesting that some of the paranormal elements have been contrived or otherwise pre-prepared. Their concerns were, in summary, that
  • this was fraudulent practice;
  • viewers were being deceived into thinking the events depicted were real; and
  • there could be potential harm to susceptible or vulnerable viewers as a result.
Since 25 July 2005 when Ofcom’s own Broadcasting Code came into force, some viewers have continued to contact Ofcom with similar concerns about the programme.
We asked LIVINGtv for a response and, in particular, to one such complaint which offered a summary of the types of complaints we have received and specifically claimed that parts of these programmes are “faked”.
The broadcaster stated that its programmes included an investigation team. This included: “Dr Ciaran O’Keefe, who is a lecturer at Liverpool Hope University and who has a particular interest in Parapsychology; Richard Felix - a ‘Paranormal Historian’; Richard Jones author and historian; Dr Matthew Smith – another lecturer in psychology at Liverpool Hope University; as well as a host of ‘lay people’ who accompany Derekand Yvette on their investigation.”
It accepts that it is not able to replicate laboratory conditions for, what it referred to, as “experiments”. The licensee stated that it did “not accept that there is any question to be answered in relation to the legitimacy of the programme or the investigations conducted”. However, it suggested that a decision as to what comprises legitimacy in this area of programming is “a question for Ofcom”.
LIVINGtv also argued that although the programme features “…many entertainment production conventions…it does indisputably retain an investigative element”.
It is not Ofcom’s role to decide whether paranormal activity exists, nor to promote or dismiss belief in the paranormal. Our role is to assess programmes such as Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live against the provisions of our Code.
The ex- ITC Programme Code (which was in force at the time of the original complaints) states that, “Demonstrations of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and similar practices are acceptable only when they are clearly and explicitly presented as entertainment, or when they are the subject of legitimate investigation”. When presented as an entertainment programme, the broadcaster should ensure that it is made clear that such activity is for entertainment purposes.
LIVINGtv is an entertainment channel. Ofcom has therefore taken this into account when reaching a view on the nature of the programming in question.
In relation to Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live, Ofcom has to consider whether or not this series of programmes overall could be described as a legitimate investigation or one that is broadcast for the purpose of entertainment.
If it were considered that this programme contained demonstrations in the context of a legitimate investigation, then allegations that elements are “faked” would be serious.
On reviewing the programmes themselves, we recognised that the series, amongst other things, often featured:
  • a celebrity presenter in the studio;
  • a studio audience;
  • ‘over-dramatic’ responses by the presenters and production team to the events which occur;
  • paranormal events occurring with regularity (for example, whenever a ‘live’ show is broadcast); and
  • phone-ins.
These, along with the graphics, music, and night-vision camera sequences, all suggested a high degree of showmanship that puts it beyond what we believe to be a generally accepted understanding of what comprises a legitimate investigation.
Ofcom also recognised that, having established the programme over a number of series, it would now be clear to viewers that the intended purpose of these programmes was for entertainment.
On balance - taking into account the context of the programme itself and the presentation within the series - we consider that overall Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live should be taken to be a programme produced for entertainment purposes. This is despite what appears to be occasional assertions by the programme that what viewers are witnessing is real. As such this programme should be seen in the light of shows where techniques are used which mean the audience is not necessarily in full possession of the facts.
We consider that even though there is an element of a ‘scientific’ approach (e.g. the carrying out of so-called ‘experiments’ such as monitoring changes in room temperature) which adds to the entertainment factor of the programme, these are, as the broadcaster acknowledges, not carried out under laboratory conditions. We therefore do not believe that these programmes could reasonably be described, in terms of the Code, as a ‘legitimate investigation’.
In the specific context of these programmes therefore, which have been established and broadcast for over three years, we believe that they contain an appropriate degree of signposting which appears to make it clear to viewers that they are for entertainment purposes.
The programmes were not in breach of the Code
The current Broadcasting Code states that, “If a demonstration of…the paranormal…is for entertainment purposes, this must be made clear to viewers and listeners”. However, the Code does not describe how this may be achieved.
In cases such as these, ensuring that it is clear to viewers whether or not a programme is intended for entertainment purposes can be a fine judgement. Broadcasters should therefore be prepared to demonstrate how they have made clear to the audience the purpose of the programme and seek appropriate advice where necessary.

Yvette's latest interview

"In the early days I used to visit all the forums and fan sites to see what the fans wanted - you got criticism but it came with ideas, like, "This is what we don't like but here's how to make it better, here's what you could do." Then I stopped for a while, but recently I've been visiting the forums again and it's all abuse and it's so upsetting. I'm not going to bother if all they have to say is horrendous, nasty, hurtful things."

If you can't stand the heat Yvette, get out of the kitchen.  I'm sure you find great comfort in the millionaire lifestyle you lead.

My own fake ghost pic.

I was inspired by an article regarding fake ghost pics. Could I  create my own ghostly pic?  This was fun to do and only took my 5 minutes.  I think I could do much better given more time.


Sunday, 28 February 2010

Yvette trying to push a glass

Note to Yvette - next time you try to push a glass, don't wear gloves!

Yvette making a ghostly moan.

The camera almost misses this...but not quite! Unlucky Yvette!

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Ok - so this isn't Most Haunted fakery....but it's funny stuff. Enjoy!

Yvette caught pushing a table

Watch the table cloth bunching under the preasure from Yvettes fingers as she rocks the table to and fro.